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sexta-feira, 20 de junho de 2008

Christafari - To the Foundation (2007)

Os Pioneiros do Reggae cristão apresentam um exelente trabalho, onde como sempre o grande objectivo é a salvação dos perdidos. Muito bom reggae.

1. Freedom Step (Intro By Avion Blackman)
2. Bozrah
3. Rooftop
4. Hunger & Starvation/Satisfy My Soul
5. Fear Not (Featuring Avion Blackman)
6. Never Give In (Featuring Mr. Lynx)
7. Eternal Reverberations
8. The Prodigal (Featuring Ace Winn & Letitia Ugwueke)
9. My Defender (Featuring Avion Blackman)
10. Taking Over (Featuring Koen Duncan)
11. To The Foundation (Featuring Ace Winn)
12. Be True (Featuring Imisi & Avion blackman)
13. Nairobi (Featuring Sheldon Blackman)
14. Too Many Cannibals (Featuring Imisi)
15. Triumphal Entry (Featuring Sherwin Gardner & Mr. Lynx)


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